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Experimental research possibility of impact of self-hypnosis on  human papilloma state

Victor  Gondar, PhD

Objective: To identify opportunities and ways of direct and exclusive effects on human tumors by methods of psychotherapy. Object and Methods: Human papilloma in a stable state ( over 10 years). Used self-hypnosis certain sensations localized in the field of tumor , causing the corresponding local vegetative and immune response. Results:  Keratinization top of the tumor and its exfoliation of the skin after two months of experiment. Conclusions: The research showed the possibility activation of specific immune response targeting the tumor tissue. Displayed reaction may be an effective part of comprehensive cancer treatment and significantly strengthen it .


List of anticancer remedies is increased steadily as a result of using the latter achievements of fundamental and applied sciences and related technologies. It improved the treatability statistics, but it is still low.

On the other hand, as author believe, passion technical, scientific, biotechnological approaches in this area diverted the attention of researchers from the areas of treatment , based on the activation of the organism 's capacity to fight disease and this activation can often be made ​​by quite simple, from point of view modern medicine, psychotherapy methods. Presented research can also partly explains  individual cases of successful treatment of cancer by specialists of alternative medicine.

Psychotherapy play supporting role [1] in modern oncology, although the cases of direct effect of psychotherapeutic options on the immune system of cancer patients and appropriate treatment are described in [2].

Object and methods

The research was conducted by the author on itself. Short information: age at the time of the research - 62 years , the first papilloma appeared in the area around the umbilical at 38 years old, three years later it was removed on the recommendation of a oncologist, a few years later in elsewhere of area a new tumor appeared that was  object of study. Effect to the tumor was carried out by successive self-hypnosis relaxation of the body and a feeling of heaviness and warmth (method described in detail in [3 ]) in the area around the papilloma, at self-hypnosis look fixed on papilloma . Also feeling hostility of papilloma to the whole body and response hostility was suggested  too. Suggestion was performed 2-3 times a day, lasting a few minutes.

Views of the tumor at different stages of the study are presented in the photo below. Photo 1 and 2 was made by ​​cameras of phones Nokia 6303i and Samsung GT-I9070, respectively, Photo 3 and 4 – by camera Canon IXUS 80 IS at macrophoto mode , photo 4 was made at artificial light.

The main results

Experiment with active psychotherapeutic influence continued about two months , the tumor was observed more than one year after the experiment was finished. Photos of papilloma at different stages of the experiment are below. After papilloma exfoliation ( two months after beginning experiment) suggestion was finished. After exfoliation , the place, where the tumor was, virtually had no color, but over time it became like birthmark (photo 3). During the year at this place new tumor was formed (presented in picture 4).











Photo 1. Papilloma before the       Photo 2. Papilloma exfoliation phase,    Photo 3. It was one month after       Photo 4. View of the tumor over

    experiment , 05.11. 2012            07.08. 2012                                              papilloma exfoliation , 08.06. 2012   more one year  after experiment                                                                                                                                                                                                     finishing,  10.30. 2013



The discussion must focus on distinct approaches to the effects of the tumor described in [ 2] and in this article.

The difference in approaches is explained by the differences between the instruments , which provide the authors. In the first case - the ways and means of psychological impact, the second - an approach that uses control theory: the formation of lists of indicators of the object ( the body's physiological parameters ), the definition of target values ​​of indicators and ways to achieve them .

According to the author , to control the immune response , which is not a psychological process, but vegetative body reaction, using the principles of automatic control with feedback described in [ 4], is more in line with the very object of control. Approach to the construction of the hierarchical control system that combines both approaches can be very perspective. In this case, the top level control ( in experiment - a suggestion feeling of hostility ) is provided by more abstract approach [ 2], and the bottom level  - by the suggestion of specific sensations of heaviness , heat , etc.

In support of this approach may formulate following arguments:

1. Relationship of immune response and temperature is well known so heat suggestion enhances the immune response;

2. In this case, we associate a parameter that varies quite easily and most accessible for observation - the temperature, with parameter that has the opposite properties . The presence of feedback by parameter, which is easily seen and quickly changing significantly increases the effectiveness of suggestion;

3. The proposed approach can effectively be used to treat not only by self-hypnosis , but by soft and hard suggestion (hypnosis) described states by psychologist because formula suggestion in this case is quite specific ;

4. Suggested sensations facilitate localization of immune response compared with [2], that is an additional control parameter and contributes to local amplification of immune response.


1. The described research has shown the possibility activation of specific immune response targeting the tumor tissue ;

2. The experiment showed the possibility of significant effects on exceptional activated tumor -specific immune response , suggesting the possibility of effective application of this approach in complex anticancer therapy;

3. An important role in this activation plays a spatial positioning target of autosuggestion (place of application of the immune response) , the most effective are visual and tactile positioning ;

4. For the complete destruction of the tumor suggestion must be continued some time after exfoliation , at this stage , perhaps self-hypnosis should be positioned in the place where the tumor was located and approximately 5 mm under it ;

List of references
  1. Стукалова Л. А., Кравец Б. Б., Боков С. Н. О типологии отношения к психотерапевтическому лечению больных с онкологическими заболеваниями // История Сабуровой дачи. Успехи психиатрии, неврологии, нейрохирургии и наркологии: Сборник научных работ Украинского НИИ клинической и экспериментальной неврологии и психиатрии и Харьковской городской клинической психиатрической больницы № 15 (Сабуровой дачи) / Под общ. ред. И. И. Кутько, П. Т. Петрюка. — Харьков, 1996. — Т. 3. — С. 354–356 . – in Russian. (Stukalova L.A.,  Kravets B.B., Bokov S.N. About Typology of Attitude to Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Patients with Oncologic Disease / / History of Sabur’s Dacha . Progress in Psychiatry , Neurology , Neurosurgery and Narcology). Can read on:

  2. Carl & Stephanie Simonton GETTING WELL AGAIN, Bantam Books, 1978.

  3. Гондар В. В. Управление иммунитетом: без прививок и таблеток  // Журнал «Колесо жизни», №12 2011г.  С. 78-81. – popular-science article in Russian (Victor Gondar Immunity Control: without Inoculations and Pills// «Колесо жизни», №12 2011г.  p. 78-81). Can read on: or

  4. Human physiology / R.F. Schmidt, G. Thews (eds.) ; translated by Marguerite A. Biederman-Thorson. - 2nd completely rev. ed. Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1989, 825 pages, V.2










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